
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lady finger pickle

25 Lady fingers
1 cup Lemon juice
4 teaspoons Salt for lemon juice
2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds
2 teaspoons Red chili pepper
2 teaspoons mustard powder
1 teaspoon Turmeric powder
1/4 teaspoon asafoetida
2 teaspoons Cumin Seeds
8 teaspoons Salt for masala
A few curry leaves

Remove the ends, head and tail of each Lady finger and slit on one side.
Mix salt with all the ground spices and wet with a little juice. Fill the spices in the Lady fingers. Heat the oil and fry curry leaves and bing for one minute. Remove from the fire, put Lady fingers and the rest of the lemon juice and 4 teaspoons salt. Cook till it boils. Cool, put an airtight jar. Keep it for 3 days, then serve.