
Saturday, December 9, 2006


India is famous for spices. costliest of all spices is saffron. Next
place is occupied by cardamoms. Its birthplace is India only.
In India cardamom is regarded as queen of all masala condiments.
There are three types of cardamoms available in India. black, white
and green. Manypeople have the habit of chewing a cardamom. No
sweet is complete without using cardamom powder. We use it in tea

cardamoms have special medicinal values. They are useful in
treating digestive system. The problems in liver, intestines and
stomach can be reduced by using cardamoms. They are also
preventive of dizziness.

They give relief in cough and and throat problems. cardamom along
'with ajwain is used for stomach aches in children. The flavour of
cardamoms make the food items tasty and digest them properly.
cardamoms also supply calcium to the body if taken regularly.

Eating cardamoms regularly can reduce the bad odour in mouth.
Chewing the fresh stems of the cardamom plant can stop the
bleeding in between the teeth and make them strong. The
decoction made with the stem along with black salt should be
gargles to reduce tonsilitis. There is no house which doesnt use
cardamom .